Covid 19 – Safeguarding Ireland highlights need to protect vulnerable adults amid heightened risks
March 19, 2020: Safeguarding Ireland today highlighted the need to protect vulnerable adults – amid a heightened risk of abuse resulting from the current Covid-19 crisis. Safeguarding Chairperson Patricia Rickard-Clarke said: “Necessary actions have been taken by Government and health and social authorities to curtail the spread of the virus. Safeguarding Ireland supports these measures […]
80% have not considered where they would like to be cared for
February 17, 2020: 80% of adults have not thought, or talked about, where they would like to be cared for if they became seriously ill or frail, and just 5% have documented what their place of care preferences are. Furthermore, 70% are confused about decision-making and consent protocols when caring for a seriously ill or […]