Safeguarding Ireland welcomes increase in reporting to HSE Safeguarding Teams

Following announcement 15.6.23 of the 2022 Annual Report of the HSE National Safeguarding Office. Progress needed on Legislation and a National Authority for adult safeguarding Safeguarding Ireland has today welcomed publication of the HSE National Safeguarding Office 2022 service report which shows an increase in reporting – however the group also called for major gaps […]

67% of adults have not heard of new Assisted-decision Making legislation

Public encouraged to get informed on new ‘Decision-making arrangements’ Two-thirds of all adults have had never heard of Ireland’s new Assisted Decision-making law, or have any knowledge of what it is about. The finding has prompted Safeguarding Ireland to call for a major public drive on understanding and applying the law, which came into effect […]

Safeguarding Ireland welcomes commencement of law on decision-making

Public and Professionals encouraged to get informed ‘Now we need culture change’ Safeguarding Ireland has welcomed the commencement of new laws on assisted decision-making – which came into effect on Wednesday April 26. Chairperson Patricia Rickard-Clarke said: “We have good laws – now we need culture change. The public and professionals need to get informed […]

Less than 20% people who experience adult abuse report it

44% have experienced adult abuse & 66% know someone who has  Drive to encourage more people to report adult abuse to the Gardaí and HSE Less that 20% of people who experience adult abuse report it to the Gardai or a health and social care professional, while 41% have said they took no action at all – […]

Call for more people to make an Enduring Power of Attorney

Safeguarding Ireland has called for a major increase in the number of adults making an Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA), in order to safeguard and reduce adult abuse. Just 6% of adults have an Enduring Power of Attorney New research by RED C has found that just 6% of Irish adults have an EPA in […]

Call on politicians to progress Safeguarding legislation

Establishment of a new Adult Safeguarding Authority recommended to Oireachtas members Politicians have been called on to progress safeguarding legislation and the establishment of a new Adult Safeguarding Authority – to prevent and reduce abuse, neglect and coercive control. The call was made at a presentation today in Leinster House of a new report, Identifying RISKS […]

Call for establishment of new Safeguarding Authority to reduce adult abuse 

Report recommends ‘obligation to safeguard’ for public bodies, mandatory data sharing and greater awareness among professionals A comprehensive new discussion document on adult safeguarding has recommended the establishment of a new national Authority – dedicated to preventing and reducing abuse, neglect and coercive control. Read the FULL REPORT here. It has also recommended that public […]

Organisations encouraged to sign up to new Safeguarding Charter

Voluntary Charter an ‘opportunity’ for better Safeguarding A wide range of organisations are being encouraged to sign up to a new voluntary Safeguarding Charter – launched by Safeguarding Ireland following extensive consultation. The Charter provides agencies, charities, care providers and businesses with an opportunity to reflect on and strengthen their approach to adult safeguarding – […]

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