Safeguarding Ireland welcomes increase in reporting to HSE Safeguarding Teams

Following announcement 15.6.23 of the 2022 Annual Report of the HSE National Safeguarding Office. Progress needed on Legislation and a National Authority for adult safeguarding Safeguarding Ireland has today welcomed publication of the HSE National Safeguarding Office 2022 service report which shows an increase in reporting – however the group also called for major gaps […]
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day: Public encouraged to use ‘Decision Support Arrangements’

Safeguarding Ireland has encouraged the public to get informed and ‘put into practice’ the newly commenced Assisted Decision-making law, to mark World Elder Abuse Awareness day which takes place on Thursday, June 15. Safeguarding Ireland described the law as one of the most significant developments in social legislation for many years. The law is designed […]
67% of adults have not heard of new Assisted-decision Making legislation

Public encouraged to get informed on new ‘Decision-making arrangements’ Two-thirds of all adults have had never heard of Ireland’s new Assisted Decision-making law, or have any knowledge of what it is about. The finding has prompted Safeguarding Ireland to call for a major public drive on understanding and applying the law, which came into effect […]
Safeguarding Ireland welcomes commencement of law on decision-making

Public and Professionals encouraged to get informed ‘Now we need culture change’ Safeguarding Ireland has welcomed the commencement of new laws on assisted decision-making – which came into effect on Wednesday April 26. Chairperson Patricia Rickard-Clarke said: “We have good laws – now we need culture change. The public and professionals need to get informed […]
Less than 20% people who experience adult abuse report it

44% have experienced adult abuse & 66% know someone who has Drive to encourage more people to report adult abuse to the Gardaí and HSE Less that 20% of people who experience adult abuse report it to the Gardai or a health and social care professional, while 41% have said they took no action at all – […]
Call for more people to make an Enduring Power of Attorney

Safeguarding Ireland has called for a major increase in the number of adults making an Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA), in order to safeguard and reduce adult abuse. Just 6% of adults have an Enduring Power of Attorney New research by RED C has found that just 6% of Irish adults have an EPA in […]
Call on politicians to progress Safeguarding legislation

Establishment of a new Adult Safeguarding Authority recommended to Oireachtas members Politicians have been called on to progress safeguarding legislation and the establishment of a new Adult Safeguarding Authority – to prevent and reduce abuse, neglect and coercive control. The call was made at a presentation today in Leinster House of a new report, Identifying RISKS […]
Call for better understanding of link between Psychological and Financial Abuse of Older People

Safeguarding Ireland has called for greater awareness of adult abuse among older people – including greater understanding of the link between psychological and financial abuse. The call comes following today’s launch of the HSE National Safeguarding Office (NSO) Annual Report 2021 – which reported 11,640 cases of alleged abuse an increase of 10% on 2020. A […]
Call for establishment of new Safeguarding Authority to reduce adult abuse

Report recommends ‘obligation to safeguard’ for public bodies, mandatory data sharing and greater awareness among professionals A comprehensive new discussion document on adult safeguarding has recommended the establishment of a new national Authority – dedicated to preventing and reducing abuse, neglect and coercive control. Read the FULL REPORT here. It has also recommended that public […]
Organisations encouraged to sign up to new Safeguarding Charter

Voluntary Charter an ‘opportunity’ for better Safeguarding A wide range of organisations are being encouraged to sign up to a new voluntary Safeguarding Charter – launched by Safeguarding Ireland following extensive consultation. The Charter provides agencies, charities, care providers and businesses with an opportunity to reflect on and strengthen their approach to adult safeguarding – […]