Safeguarding Ireland encourages people to report any safeguarding concerns whether this is about yourself, or someone you know and care about. If you have a concern about abuse, neglect or coercion – Respond and Report it.
If an immediate or serious risk of harm – REPORT it to the Gardaí
If there is an immediate and serious risk of harm to a person, the call the Gardaí at 999 or 112.
If the issue is serious but not urgent, contact your local Garda station. Also list of all Garda stations in the country is available at www.garda.ie.
If confidentiality is an issue – you can phone the Garda confidential line at 1800 666 111.
If an ongoing concern – contact the HSE Safeguarding Team
The main provider of social work services to safeguard in Ireland is the HSE, which operates a service for all adults over 18 including adults with disabilities. The service is available Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm
The National Safeguarding Office is based in Limerick – safeguarding.socialcare@hse.ie – and there are nine regional Safeguarding and Protection Teams covering all community health regions in the country. A directory of contacts for all of the teams can be viewed at www.hse.ie/safeguarding
The teams are tasked to assess allegations of abuse or neglect and to intervene to address concerns (being mindful of the will and preferences of the adult at risk of abuse). The contact details for each of the nine regional teams are:
- Sligo, Leitrim, Cavan, Monaghan and Donegal: safeguarding.cho1@hse.ie / (071) 983 4660
- Roscommon, Galway and Mayo: safeguarding.cho2@hse.ie / (091) 748 432
- Clare, Limerick, North Tipperary and East Limerick: safeguarding.cho3@hse.ie / (067) 464 70
- Cork and Kerry: safeguarding.cho4@hse.ie / 021 492 7550
- South Tipperary, Carlow, Kilkenny, Waterford and Wexford: safeguarding.cho5@hse.ie / 0818 101 101
- Wicklow, Dun Laoghaire and Dublin South East: safeguarding.cho6@hse.ie / (01) 216 4511
- Kildare, Wicklow, Dublin West, Dublin South City and Dublin South West: safeguarding.cho7@hse.ie / (045) 920 410
- Laois, Offaly, Longford, Westmeath, Louth and Meath: safeguarding.cho8@hse.ie / (01) 691 4632
- Dublin North, Dublin North Central and Dublin North West: safeguarding.cho9@hse.ie / (01) 795 9528.
For questions about health services you can also contact HSE Live at freephone 1800 700 700.
Financial abuse – Contact Banks’ Vulnerable Customer Support
The five major banks and An Post are members of the Banking & Payments Federation Ireland (BPFI), which has a website www.safeguardyourmoney.ie, with tips and advice to help you keep control of your money whatever your circumstances.
Each bank has set up a telephone support service for vulnerable customers. If you have any concern regarding financial abuse, misuse of a joint bank account or agency facility, you should contact the relevant bank.
- AIB: 0818 227 056
- Bank of Ireland: 1800 946 146
- Permanent TSB: 1800 218 000
- KBC Bank: 1800 804 472
- Ulster Bank DAC: 1800 656 001
If you bank with a different institution, not listed here, they may also have support available and you should contact that bank directly.
If your concern does not relate to an account and is to do with day-to-day money management, budgeting, or debt, the Money Advice and Budgeting Service (MABS) www.mabs.ie may be able to assist, contact 0761 07 2000.
Social welfare payments – contact the Department of Social Protection
If you have concerns about financial abuse of your social welfare payment, or the social welfare payment of someone you know and care about, you should contact, in confidence: Safeguarding Unit, Department of Social Protection, College Road, Sligo, F91 T384 / safeguarding@welfare.ie / (071) 9193259.
Complaints and allegations re Assisted Decision-making – DSS
The Decision Support Service (DSS) can investigate complaints about appointed decision supporters and decision support arrangements. This can include, for example, allegations that the decision supporter is making decisions that are not part of their role, is abusing the relevant person’s finances, or is unable to perform their functions for whatever reason. (Decision supporters include decision-making assistants, co-decision makers, decision-making representatives, attorneys (including those appointed under the Powers of Attorney Act 1996) and designated healthcare representatives).
The DSS can also investigate allegations that fraud, coercion, or undue pressure was used to force a person to make, vary or cancel a decision support arrangement.
To find out more about how complaints are handled please visit Complaints and Investigation Procedures or phone the DSS dedicated freephone number on 01 211 9750 to speak to the Complaints and Investigations Team.
The DSS can also provide practical information about how to make an Enduring Power Attorney (EPA) and an Advance Healthcare Directive.
Concerns about a health or social care service – contact HIQA
The Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) is an independent authority established to drive high-quality and safe care for people using health and social care services in Ireland. The Authority does not have the legal power to investigate individual complaints, however information or concerns about services received are reviewed and assessed.
If there is a serious risk to the health and welfare of service users, HIQA may decide to take appropriate action. The Authority may also undertake, or be required by the Minister of Health to undertake, an investigation into the safety, quality and standard of healthcare services.
Further information is available on the HIQA website at www.hiqa.ie. Concerns can be submitted confidentially to concerns@hiqa.ie / (021) 240 9646.
Representative Organisations
- Age Action: https://www.ageaction.ie
- Age Friendly Ireland: https://agefriendlyireland.ie
- Alzheimer Society of Ireland: https://alzheimer.ie
- Disability Federation of Ireland: https://www.disability-federation.ie
- Free Legal Advice Centres: https://www.flac.ie
- Inclusion Ireland: http://www.inclusionireland.ie
- Irish Hospice Foundation: https://hospicefoundation.ie
- Commission for Regulation of Utilities: https://www.cru.ie/need-assistance/vulnerable-customers/
- Vulnerable customers register (Electric Ireland form): https://www.electricireland.ie/docs/roi-residential-footer—customers-with-special-needs/2615_ei_vulnerable_cust_reg_form_a4_cofovc0518_v5.pdf?sfvrsn=9e47be0d_12
Guidance with signposting – Safeguarding Ireland
Having your voice heard – Advocacy
Sage Advocacy
Sage Advocacy is a national charity, which provides a support and advocacy service for older people, vulnerable adults and healthcare patients. Sage Advocacy will always stand up for the individual’s rights, respect their dignity and make sure their voice is heard – it works on the individual’s behalf, independent of family, to make sure that decisions are not taken without a person’s agreement. Sage Advocacy can provide immediate advice on a wide range of issues from rights, to making choices, care and support. Call: (01) 536 7330 or 1850 71 94 00 or email: 1850@sageadvocacy.ie. Web: www.sageadvocacy.ie
National Advocacy Service
The National Advocacy Service provides an independent representative advocacy service for adults with disabilities, contact 0761 07 3000. Web: www.advocacy.ie
Patient Advocacy Service