86% want laws on Coercive Control expanded

May 10, 2021. 41% would not know what to do if they witnessed Coercive Control The public overwhelmingly favours laws on coercive control being expanded – and a significant number would not know what to do if they encountered coercive control. The findings are contained in research commissioned by Safeguarding Ireland and carried out by […]

40% of Public don’t understand Coercive Control

Monday, March 1, 2021: 30% have witnessed coercive control and 13% have a personal experience Expanded laws on coercive control needed to protect more people, particularly the vulnerable Greater public awareness is needed of coercive control after new research commissioned by Safeguarding Ireland found that 40% of people don’t understand this type of abuse. In research […]

Strong public support for improved safeguarding laws

November 30th, 2020: Vast majority of public support establishing a national authority for safeguarding The vast majority of Irish adults believe that Ireland needs stronger safeguarding laws – and that a national authority should be established which is dedicated to adult safeguarding. The findings were launched today as part of public awareness campaign led by […]

Almost one in four do not know who to report adult abuse to

November 16th, 2020: People less likely to report abuse if happening to themselves than to others Almost a quarter of people (23%) would not know who to report adult abuse to if they or someone they knew was a victim – according to new research commissioned by Safeguarding Ireland. Just 70% said they would report […]

Call for strengthened measures for adult safeguarding

November 10th, 2020: Protection Order powers should be extended to HSE Safeguarding Teams Safeguarding Ireland has today called for strengthened safeguarding measures, including authority for the HSE to make Protection Order applications on behalf of vulnerable people. The call comes following today’s announcement of the 2019 Annual Report of the HSE National Safeguarding Office (NSO) which […]

Radical and new plan needed on long-term care of aging population

October 8th, 2020: ‘Inter-generational agreement’ needed on how care of older people will be paid for  Future approach to long-term care should strengthen safeguarding The need for a radical and new approach on providing long-term care to Ireland’s aging population has been highlighted, in a new report commissioned by Safeguarding Ireland. The report said there […]

12% have experienced adult abuse since start of COVID-19

October 5, 2020: One third (32%) of Adults report abuse during lifetime  Rise in cyber abuse during pandemic 12% of adults have experienced abuse since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in March, while 32% of adults report ever experiencing abuse or neglect. The findings were launched today as part of a public awareness campaign […]

Safeguarding Ireland calls for ‘one integrated system’ and ‘national standards’ for all long-term care

August 25, 2020: Safeguarding Ireland has called for one integrated system – underpinned by national standards – for all long-term care in Ireland, in response to the Expert Panel Nursing Homes report. Safeguarding Ireland expressed overall support for last week’s COVID-19 Nursing Homes Expert Panel report’s recommendations, but said that the strength of the report will only lie […]

World Elder Abuse Day – COVID-19 has prompted a quarter to think about their future care

Friday June 12, 2020: The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted a quarter to think about their future care – and Safeguarding Ireland encouraged older people to act on and document these wishes. To mark World Elder Abuse Awareness day, which takes place this Monday, Safeguarding Ireland called for a stronger focus on safeguarding during COVID-19 ­– and said older and […]

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