95% have not recorded plans for their future healthcare

June 2, 2020: The vast majority of Irish adults (95%) have not taken steps to record their future care wishes, however almost a quarter (23%) have been prompted to think about doing so because of COVID-19. The findings are contained in new research launched today by Safeguarding Ireland which encouraged more people, particularly those who […]

Covid-19: Safeguarding Ireland highlights need to guard against increase in financial abuse

April 14, 2020: Safeguarding Ireland today highlighted the need for public vigilance to guard against increased financial abuse during the Covid-19 crisis. Safeguarding Chairperson Patricia Rickard-Clarke said: “What is most important is that people are safe and follow the guidelines to stay at home. “Also during this time we need to be careful to ensure that temporary financial […]

Covid 19 – Safeguarding Ireland highlights need to protect vulnerable adults amid heightened risks

March 19, 2020: Safeguarding Ireland today highlighted the need to protect vulnerable adults – amid a heightened risk of abuse resulting from the current Covid-19 crisis. Safeguarding Chairperson Patricia Rickard-Clarke said: “Necessary actions have been taken by Government and health and social authorities to curtail the spread of the virus. Safeguarding Ireland supports these measures […]

80% have not considered where they would like to be cared for

February 17, 2020: 80% of adults have not thought, or talked about, where they would like to be cared for if they became seriously ill or frail, and just 5% have documented what their place of care preferences are. Furthermore, 70% are confused about decision-making and consent protocols when caring for a seriously ill or […]

Safeguarding Ireland welcomes move towards regulatory framework for adult safeguarding

January 29, 2020. Safeguarding Ireland today welcomed the publication of an Issues Paper on a regulatory framework for adult safeguarding by the Law Reform Commission. The Issues Paper considers a range of future regulatory models for adult safeguarding, such as the body or bodies who should regulate adult safeguarding, which could include existing regulatory bodies. […]

Enactment of Safeguarding Laws needed for citizens to benefit from new policies

December 11, 2019: Safeguarding Ireland has urged the enactment of new Adult Safeguarding legislation, to better protect vulnerable adults and reduce abuse. Speaking at high-level workshop today to launch and discuss a new report Falling Through the Cracks: The Case for Change, Key Developments and Next Steps for Adult Safeguarding in Ireland, commissioned by Senator Colette Kelleher, Safeguarding […]

Legislation and regulation needed to underpin new safeguarding standards

December 4th, 2019: Safeguarding Ireland today welcomed the launch of new Standards to improve safeguards for adults using health and social care services, but said legislation and regulation are needed to underpin it. National Standards for Adult Safeguarding were launched today and jointly developed by the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) and the Mental […]

PUBLIC AWARENESS: 20% of Irish adults have experience of financial abuse

Monday, November 25, 2019: Need for much greater awareness of risks of financial abuse. Call for all adults to plan ahead to safeguard finances. Up to 20% of adults have experience of financial abuse, however many older adults still do not think that it could happen to them – according to new research commissioned by […]

Legislation needed to underpin Human Rights in health and social services

November 13th, 2019: Safeguarding Ireland today welcomed the publication of Guidance on upholding Human Rights in Irish health and social care settings, but said legislation is urgently needed to underpin it. Guidance on a Human Rights-based Approach in Health and Social Care Services was published today by the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) with support from Safeguarding […]

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