News 2025
More adults urged to make a future healthcare plan
Healthcare professionals encouraged to raise healthcare planning with patients Safeguarding Ireland today encouraged more people to make a future healthcare plan – called an Advance Healthcare Directive – as just 4% of people in Ireland have one. An Advance Healthcare Directive is a document in which a person writes down their future healthcare decisions on refusals and consents regarding treatment, surgery, medicines and resuscitation. Safeguarding Ireland Chairperson Patricia Rickard-Clarke said the uptake of Advance Healthcare Directives...
News 2024
Report highlights need for differentiation and training on ‘peer-to-peer’ adult abuse
Further research needed on peer-to-peer abuse in more settings A new report on peer-to-peer adult abuse highlights the need for greater understanding and training on differentiating and responding to this type of abuse. The research was conducted for Safeguarding Ireland by the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA). The report aims to deepen understanding and practice on incidents of aggression and abuse between adults with intellectual disabilities, or decision-making capacity challenges (Dementia), living in residential...
Call on Programme for Government to commit to Safeguarding Authority
Safeguarding Ireland has called on the next Programme for Government to commit to the implementation the recommendations of the Law Reform Commission (LRC) report on adult safeguarding (April, 2024). The report recommends a regulatory framework for adult safeguarding in Ireland including structures, legislation and policies, within a rights based framework, particularly for adults who are at greater risk of harm due to a disability, age-related frailty, acquired brain injury or serious illness. Safeguarding Ireland Chairperson Patricia Rickard-Clarke...
Adult Safeguarding Day 2024 – 30% of adults have experience of Financial Abuse
81% of Financial Abuse carried out by someone well-known to the victim Call for all adults to keep in control of their money as much as possible Almost a third of adults in Ireland have experience of Financial Abuse (30%) – with the vast majority (81%) of the abuse carried by someone well-known to the victim rather than online, or anonymously. In new RED C research launched today on Financial Abuse – 11% of adults...
Safeguarding Ireland urges people to make an Advance Healthcare Directive
Safeguarding Ireland urges people to make an Advance Healthcare Directive Just 4% have their healthcare wishes recorded for if they lacked capacity Safeguarding Ireland today encouraged more people to put in place and Advance Healthcare Directive – a healthcare plan – as just 4% of people in Ireland have one according to new research from RED C. The poll carried out on a representative sample of 1,000 adults found that – just 23% understood what...
Structures needed to begin establishment of an independent authority for Adult Safeguarding
Safeguarding Ireland welcomes publication of Law Reform Commission report on a framework for Adult Safeguarding The full Law Reform Commission framework for adult safeguarding report & materials can be accessed on their website here. Safeguarding Ireland has today welcomed publication of the Law Reform Commission (LRC) report on adult safeguarding – and said structures must urgently be put in place to begin work towards implementation of the comprehensive recommendations. The report recommends a regulatory framework...
Safeguarding Ireland presents ‘safeguarding roadmap’ to the Oireachtas
Safeguarding Ireland has presented a comprehensive roadmap to address the current gaps in adult safeguarding, to the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Disability Matters. At a hearing in Leinster House this week, Chairperson Patricia Rickard-Clarke set out for politicians the current gaps, and priority steps to strengthen adult safeguarding. She began by referring to the Safeguarding Bill which was brought forward in 2017, and despite having all party support, has not progressed. It included legislation and...
News 2023
Invitation to Tender: Scoping study on ‘Peer-to-Peer Abuse’
Safeguarding Ireland wishes to invite suitably qualified and interested parties to submit a tender proposal to carry out research and prepare a report on the above. The identification, sourcing and analysis of relevant materials and data in conjunction with key stakeholders will inform the development of the final report. The FULL Tender DOCUMENT can be viewed here. 1. About Safeguarding Ireland Safeguarding Ireland was established to promote safeguarding of adults who may be vulnerable, protect...
Vast majority have not documented healthcare wishes, or chosen who can act on their behalf
Just 11% of Adults have made an Enduring Power of Attorney Call for people to ‘Plan Ahead’ and reduce risk of adult abuse More than 90% of Irish adults have not set out their wishes and preferences for future healthcare and treatments – and the majority are not aware of the need to do so, or how to do it. Just 4% of Irish adults have completed a legally recognised plan for their future care...
Public encouraged to put into practice new ‘Decision Support Arrangements’
New law needs to be applied to safeguard rights The public has been encouraged to get informed and put into use new ‘decision support arrangements’ – which will help to reduce adult abuse. Safeguarding Ireland today launched a two week public awareness campaign to promote greater public understanding and application of the Assisted Decision-making Capacity Act, which came into effect in April. The law or Act is one of the most significant new bodies of...
Safeguarding Ireland welcomes increase in reporting to HSE Safeguarding Teams
Following announcement 15.6.23 of the 2022 Annual Report of the HSE National Safeguarding Office. Progress needed on Legislation and a National Authority for adult safeguarding Safeguarding Ireland has today welcomed publication of the HSE National Safeguarding Office 2022 service report which shows an increase in reporting – however the group also called for major gaps in adult safeguarding to be addressed. Chairperson Patricia Rickard-Clarke today welcomed an 18% increase in the total number of safeguarding concerns...
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day: Public encouraged to use ‘Decision Support Arrangements’
Safeguarding Ireland has encouraged the public to get informed and ‘put into practice’ the newly commenced Assisted Decision-making law, to mark World Elder Abuse Awareness day which takes place on Thursday, June 15. Safeguarding Ireland described the law as one of the most significant developments in social legislation for many years. The law is designed to uphold people’s rights and to safeguard from harm, including preventing and reducing elder abuse. A RED C survey commissioned...
67% of adults have not heard of new Assisted-decision Making legislation
Public encouraged to get informed on new ‘Decision-making arrangements’ Two-thirds of all adults have had never heard of Ireland’s new Assisted Decision-making law, or have any knowledge of what it is about. The finding has prompted Safeguarding Ireland to call for a major public drive on understanding and applying the law, which came into effect in April. The law or Act is one of the most significant new bodies of social legislation in Ireland for...
Safeguarding Ireland welcomes commencement of law on decision-making
Public and Professionals encouraged to get informed ‘Now we need culture change’ Safeguarding Ireland has welcomed the commencement of new laws on assisted decision-making – which came into effect on Wednesday April 26. Chairperson Patricia Rickard-Clarke said: “We have good laws – now we need culture change. The public and professionals need to get informed and put these laws into practice. Doing so will prevent and reduce adult abuse and uphold our rights”. Key places...
News 2022
Less than 20% people who experience adult abuse report it
44% have experienced adult abuse & 66% know someone who has Drive to encourage more people to report adult abuse to the Gardaí and HSE Less that 20% of people who experience adult abuse report it to the Gardai or a health and social care professional, while 41% have said they took no action at all – according to new RED C research announced today. The research has been launched on Adult Safeguarding Day which takes place today (11/11/22)...
Call for more people to make an Enduring Power of Attorney
Safeguarding Ireland has called for a major increase in the number of adults making an Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA), in order to safeguard and reduce adult abuse. Just 6% of adults have an Enduring Power of Attorney New research by RED C has found that just 6% of Irish adults have an EPA in place – which leaves people at greater risk of abuse and exploitation if they lack capacity to make decisions due...
Call on politicians to progress Safeguarding legislation
Establishment of a new Adult Safeguarding Authority recommended to Oireachtas members Politicians have been called on to progress safeguarding legislation and the establishment of a new Adult Safeguarding Authority – to prevent and reduce abuse, neglect and coercive control. The call was made at a presentation today in Leinster House of a new report, Identifying RISKS – Sharing RESPONSIBILITIES: The Case for a Comprehensive Approach to Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults, which includes the most detailed range of recommendations...
Call for better understanding of link between Psychological and Financial Abuse of Older People
Safeguarding Ireland has called for greater awareness of adult abuse among older people – including greater understanding of the link between psychological and financial abuse. The call comes following today’s launch of the HSE National Safeguarding Office (NSO) Annual Report 2021 – which reported 11,640 cases of alleged abuse an increase of 10% on 2020. A focus on adult abuse is also being highlighted as World Elder Abuse Awareness Day takes place on Wednesday June 15th....
Call for establishment of new Safeguarding Authority to reduce adult abuse
Report recommends ‘obligation to safeguard’ for public bodies, mandatory data sharing and greater awareness among professionals A comprehensive new discussion document on adult safeguarding has recommended the establishment of a new national Authority – dedicated to preventing and reducing abuse, neglect and coercive control. Read the FULL REPORT here. It has also recommended that public bodies hold a Statutory responsibility to prevent all forms of adult abuse, including sharing relevant data between agencies where known risks arise....
Organisations encouraged to sign up to new Safeguarding Charter
Voluntary Charter an ‘opportunity’ for better Safeguarding A wide range of organisations are being encouraged to sign up to a new voluntary Safeguarding Charter – launched by Safeguarding Ireland following extensive consultation. The Charter provides agencies, charities, care providers and businesses with an opportunity to reflect on and strengthen their approach to adult safeguarding – and to demonstrate this by signing up. The Charter can be viewed and signed up to at www.safeguardingIreland.org/charter. Safeguarding Ireland Chairperson...
New Strategic Plan puts focus on legislation and a safeguarding Authority
Safeguarding Ireland has this month (April) launched a new Strategic Plan running from the present time to 2025. It is the organisation’s second Strategic Plan and the two key components of the Plan are: 1) the introduction of adult safeguarding legislation in Ireland 2) the establishment of an independent over-arching National Safeguarding Authority. Safeguarding Ireland Chairperson Patricia Rickard-Clarke said: “The abuse, exploitation and neglect of adults is happening on a daily basis and must be...
News 2021
Decision Support Service – draft Codes of Practice
Draft Codes relating to commencement of the Assisted Decision Making (Capacity Act) from mid-2022 have been published. The deadline for submissions in response to the draft Codes is 5pm Friday 7th January, 2022. To provide feedback, people or organisation can log on to the Decision Support Service website and respond here. On Supported Decision Making and Assessing Capacity On Advance-Healthcare-Directives for Healthcare Professionals For Financial Professionals and Financial Service Providers For Legal Practitioners For Healthcare Professionals...
Support encouraged for international day of persons with disabilities
Friday, December 3, 2021. Need for improved safeguarding of people with disabilities highlighted Safeguarding Ireland is today supporting International Day of Persons with Disabilities – and also encouraging greater safeguarding of people with disabilities. An estimated one billion of the world’s seven billion people, or approximately 15 per cent, live with some form of disability with 80 per cent of these in developing countries. International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) was initiated by the United Nations...
Public encouraged to share any useful information on ‘National Missing Persons Day’
Wednesday, December 1, 2021. Safeguarding Ireland is today supporting ‘National Missing Persons Day’, an initiative of the Department of Justice. There are 850 missing persons in Ireland, including 40 people so far this year, and today Safeguarding Ireland encouraged people to find out more and to be aware of this issue. The aims of the awareness raising day are to commemorate those who have gone missing and recognise the lasting trauma for their families and...
Friday November 19, 2021. Just a third understand ‘Adult Safeguarding’ New drive to strengthen awareness of Adult Safeguarding Two thirds of people are aware of ‘adult safeguarding’, but just a third correctly understand what it means – according to new RED C research announced today. The research has been launched for Ireland’s first-ever Adult Safeguarding Day – a new nationwide initiative, coordinated by Safeguarding Ireland, to raise better understanding of safeguarding and the prevention of...
Call to support first-ever Adult Safeguarding Day this Friday
Tuesday November 16, 2021. Inaugural awareness day this week on Adult Safeguarding Ireland’s first-ever Adult Safeguarding Day public awareness event will take place this Friday, November 19. The event is being coordinated by Safeguarding Ireland – in partnership with organisations across the health, social, financial and justice sectors. The aim is to raise a greater awareness and understanding of adult safeguarding and the prevention abuse, neglect and coercive control. Safeguarding Ireland has called on the...
Call for Progress on Adult Safeguarding Legislation
Thursday, October 28 2021. Safeguarding Ireland has today called for progress on strengthened adult safeguarding measures – including primary legislation and planning for a National Safeguarding Authority. The call comes following today’s launch of the HSE National Safeguarding Office (NSO) Annual Report 2020, which reported 10,216 cases of alleged adult abuse. Safeguarding Ireland Chairperson Patricia Rickard-Clarke welcomed the NSO report as an important part of adult safeguarding. The Report found that the most frequent type of...
Support for Safeguarding Reviews following death of Homeless People
Wednesday, October 27 2021. Statement: At a meeting of the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Housing, Local Government and Heritage on 24th June this year, Dr. Austin O’Carroll called for adult safeguarding reviews where deaths of people experiencing homelessness occurred, in order to try to learn from what happened with a view to improving services. Safeguarding Ireland would support this approach and would propose that such reviews should be carried out in all instances where there are significant...
Call for improved safeguarding of people with disabilities
September 13, 2021. More than a third do not think people with disabilities have equal rights 40% say not enough support for decision making of people with disabilities 75% favour stronger laws to better safeguard people with disabilities The rights of people with disabilities are not adequately respected and upheld in Ireland, according to a new RED C Survey commissioned by Safeguarding Ireland. The survey highlights the need for stronger supports for independent decision-making and a...
Concerns regarding Nursing Homes highlight need for an independent Safeguarding Authority
Tuesday, July 13 2021. Adult Safeguarding Legislation required to tackle Nursing Homes concerns Statement from Safeguarding Ireland Chairperson, Patricia Rickard-Clarke “Safeguarding Ireland has concerns in relation to the safeguarding issues identified in nursing homes during the COVID-19 crisis that have come to light through various sources, and most recently the RTE Primetime programme aired on July 1st. “These safeguarding issues are a very serious cause for concern, not only for residents and their families, but...
86% want laws on Coercive Control expanded
May 10, 2021. 41% would not know what to do if they witnessed Coercive Control The public overwhelmingly favours laws on coercive control being expanded – and a significant number would not know what to do if they encountered coercive control. The findings are contained in research commissioned by Safeguarding Ireland and carried out by RED C on a representative sample of 1,000 Irish adults. Safeguarding Ireland Chairperson Patricia Rickard-Clarke said the research shows that the COVID-19...
40% of Public don’t understand Coercive Control
Monday, March 1, 2021: 30% have witnessed coercive control and 13% have a personal experience Expanded laws on coercive control needed to protect more people, particularly the vulnerable Greater public awareness is needed of coercive control after new research commissioned by Safeguarding Ireland found that 40% of people don’t understand this type of abuse. In research carried by RED C on a representative sample of 1,000 adults, 25% said they were not familiar with coercive control...
News 2020
Strong public support for improved safeguarding laws
November 30th, 2020: Vast majority of public support establishing a national authority for safeguarding The vast majority of Irish adults believe that Ireland needs stronger safeguarding laws – and that a national authority should be established which is dedicated to adult safeguarding. The findings were launched today as part of public awareness campaign led by Safeguarding Ireland. The research was carried out by RED C on a representative sample of 1,000 adults nationwide and found...
Almost one in four do not know who to report adult abuse to
November 16th, 2020: People less likely to report abuse if happening to themselves than to others Almost a quarter of people (23%) would not know who to report adult abuse to if they or someone they knew was a victim – according to new research commissioned by Safeguarding Ireland. Just 70% said they would report abuse if it occurred to them personally, while a higher 92% said they would encourage or help others to report...
Call for strengthened measures for adult safeguarding
November 10th, 2020: Protection Order powers should be extended to HSE Safeguarding Teams Safeguarding Ireland has today called for strengthened safeguarding measures, including authority for the HSE to make Protection Order applications on behalf of vulnerable people. The call comes following today’s announcement of the 2019 Annual Report of the HSE National Safeguarding Office (NSO) which reported a marginal increase of 1% in the number of reported safeguarding concerns to 11,929, as compared to 2018. The Report...
Majority who needed help managing money during COVID lockdown have not taken back control
October 19, 2020: Call for vulnerable people to ‘take back control’ of their money Two thirds of people who needed help from others to manage their money during the COVID-19 lockdown have not taken back control of their own finances. This is according to new research commissioned by Banking & Payments Federation Ireland (BPFI) together with Safeguarding Ireland and published today. BPFI and Safeguarding Ireland recommend that, while following public health guidelines, people should take...
Radical and new plan needed on long-term care of aging population
October 8th, 2020: ‘Inter-generational agreement’ needed on how care of older people will be paid for Future approach to long-term care should strengthen safeguarding The need for a radical and new approach on providing long-term care to Ireland’s aging population has been highlighted, in a new report commissioned by Safeguarding Ireland. The report said there is an unresolved ‘generational conflict’ in how the cost of caring for older people will be funded. Questions on how...
12% have experienced adult abuse since start of COVID-19
October 5, 2020: One third (32%) of Adults report abuse during lifetime Rise in cyber abuse during pandemic 12% of adults have experienced abuse since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in March, while 32% of adults report ever experiencing abuse or neglect. The findings were launched today as part of a public awareness campaign being led by Safeguarding Ireland to encourage all adults, particularly those who are vulnerable, to safeguard during the pandemic period....
Safeguarding Ireland calls for ‘one integrated system’ and ‘national standards’ for all long-term care
August 25, 2020: Safeguarding Ireland has called for one integrated system – underpinned by national standards – for all long-term care in Ireland, in response to the Expert Panel Nursing Homes report. Safeguarding Ireland expressed overall support for last week’s COVID-19 Nursing Homes Expert Panel report’s recommendations, but said that the strength of the report will only lie in its timely implementation. Chairperson Patricia Rickard-Clarke said key safeguarding elements to progress as recommended in the report include that identified...
World Elder Abuse Day – COVID-19 has prompted a quarter to think about their future care
Friday June 12, 2020: The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted a quarter to think about their future care – and Safeguarding Ireland encouraged older people to act on and document these wishes. To mark World Elder Abuse Awareness day, which takes place this Monday, Safeguarding Ireland called for a stronger focus on safeguarding during COVID-19 – and said older and vulnerable adults would be better safeguarded by having their care preferences recorded. In research of 1,001 Irish adults carried out...
95% have not recorded plans for their future healthcare
June 2, 2020: The vast majority of Irish adults (95%) have not taken steps to record their future care wishes, however almost a quarter (23%) have been prompted to think about doing so because of COVID-19. The findings are contained in new research launched today by Safeguarding Ireland which encouraged more people, particularly those who are older or vulnerable, to record their wishes and preferences for future healthcare. Read the RED C research here. Safeguarding...
Covid-19: Safeguarding Ireland highlights need to guard against increase in financial abuse
April 14, 2020: Safeguarding Ireland today highlighted the need for public vigilance to guard against increased financial abuse during the Covid-19 crisis. Safeguarding Chairperson Patricia Rickard-Clarke said: “What is most important is that people are safe and follow the guidelines to stay at home. “Also during this time we need to be careful to ensure that temporary financial measures that have come into effect at banks and Post Offices do not lead to greater financial abuse.” Ms Rickard-Clarke said the...
Covid 19 – Safeguarding Ireland highlights need to protect vulnerable adults amid heightened risks
March 19, 2020: Safeguarding Ireland today highlighted the need to protect vulnerable adults – amid a heightened risk of abuse resulting from the current Covid-19 crisis. Safeguarding Chairperson Patricia Rickard-Clarke said: “Necessary actions have been taken by Government and health and social authorities to curtail the spread of the virus. Safeguarding Ireland supports these measures and the enormous society-wide effort from businesses to individuals. “However, the vulnerabilities of adults at risk of abuse, exploitation or...
80% have not considered where they would like to be cared for
February 17, 2020: 80% of adults have not thought, or talked about, where they would like to be cared for if they became seriously ill or frail, and just 5% have documented what their place of care preferences are. Furthermore, 70% are confused about decision-making and consent protocols when caring for a seriously ill or frail older person. The findings are contained in new research launched today by Safeguarding Ireland. Responding to the findings, Safeguarding...
News 2019
Enactment of Safeguarding Laws needed for citizens to benefit from new policies
December 11, 2019: Safeguarding Ireland has urged the enactment of new Adult Safeguarding legislation, to better protect vulnerable adults and reduce abuse. Speaking at high-level workshop today to launch and discuss a new report Falling Through the Cracks: The Case for Change, Key Developments and Next Steps for Adult Safeguarding in Ireland, commissioned by Senator Colette Kelleher, Safeguarding Ireland stressed that citizens would only benefit when new policies are underpinned by legislation. The meeting was opened by the Minister...
Legislation and regulation needed to underpin new safeguarding standards
December 4th, 2019: Safeguarding Ireland today welcomed the launch of new Standards to improve safeguards for adults using health and social care services, but said legislation and regulation are needed to underpin it. National Standards for Adult Safeguarding were launched today and jointly developed by the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) and the Mental Health Commission (MHC), with approval from the Minister for Health. Safeguarding Ireland Chairperson Patricia Rickard-Clarke said the standards will help...
Safeguarding Ireland tells Assisted Decision Making seminar of urgent need for commencement of Act
November 29, 2019: Safeguarding Ireland has told a two-day seminar on the Assisted Decision Making Act in Cork that full commencement of the Act is urgent, to help better protect the rights of vulnerable adult. Speaking from the seminar in Cork, Safeguarding Ireland Chairperson Patricia Rickard-Clarke said stronger Adult Safeguarding legislation is urgently needed to ensure that people’s rights are respected and adhered to. The Assisted Decision-Making Act was enacted in 2015 and its implementation has...
PUBLIC AWARENESS: 20% of Irish adults have experience of financial abuse
Monday, November 25, 2019: Need for much greater awareness of risks of financial abuse. Call for all adults to plan ahead to safeguard finances. Up to 20% of adults have experience of financial abuse, however many older adults still do not think that it could happen to them – according to new research commissioned by Banking & Payments Federation Ireland (BPFI). The findings of the research have been published as part of a public awareness...
Legislation needed to underpin Human Rights in health and social services
November 13th, 2019: Safeguarding Ireland today welcomed the publication of Guidance on upholding Human Rights in Irish health and social care settings, but said legislation is urgently needed to underpin it. Guidance on a Human Rights-based Approach in Health and Social Care Services was published today by the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) with support from Safeguarding Ireland – to help inform health and social care staff in their work. It also provides a useful reference for...
Safeguarding Ireland calls for more legal powers for HSE Safeguarding Teams
October 16th, 2019: Safeguarding Ireland has today called for the HSE Safeguarding Teams to have increased legal powers – including authority to make applications to court for Protection Orders on behalf of vulnerable adults. The call comes following today’s announcement of the 2018 Annual Report of the HSE National Safeguarding Office which reported 11,780 adult safeguarding concerns received by the HSE, a 14% increase on 2017. For persons aged 18-64, the most significant category of abuse alleged remained...
Safeguarding Ireland calls for State Supports to encourage more Adults to ‘Think Ahead’
September 16, 2019: Budget 2020 – Call for national scheme to increase Enduring Powers of Attorney Safeguarding Ireland today called for the introduction of a State Scheme in Budget 2020 to encourage more Adults put in place Enduring Powers of Attorney and Advance Healthcare Directives. Safeguarding Ireland said more people ‘Thinking Ahead’ would help to reduce and prevent abuse of vulnerable adults – and also save the State social service costs. Speaking in advance of the...
Call for national initiative to increase use of Attorneys and Advance Healthcare Directives
World Elder Abuse Day, June 12, 2019: Safeguarding Ireland today called for the introduction of a State Scheme to help more Adults to ‘Think Ahead’ – and increase use of Enduring Powers of Attorney and Advance Healthcare Directives. Safeguarding Ireland said this would help to reduce and prevent abuse of vulnerable adults – and also save the State social service costs. Speaking in advance of World Elder Abuse Day (Saturday, June 15th), Chairperson Patricia Rickard Clarke said...
Call for Urgent Delivery of Adult Safeguarding Legislation, a Regulatory Framework and National Advocacy Service
June 9, 2019: Scoping of a Regulatory Framework for Adult Safeguarding Welcomed Call for Establishment of a National Advocacy Service Safeguarding Ireland has urged delivery of Adult Safeguarding Legislation to better protect vulnerable adults and reduce abuse. In parallel, the organisation also called for the development of a Regulatory Framework for Adult Safeguarding and an independent National Advocacy Service. Speaking following a dedicated briefing on safeguarding legislation in Leinster House convened by Senator Colette Kelleher,...
PUBLIC AWARENESS CAMPAIGN: Tougher laws would encourage the public to ‘call out’ abuse of vulnerable adults
Sunday, May 19, 2019: 10% have witnessed abuse of a vulnerable adult in the past year Public seeks dedicated 24-hour helpline for adult abuse 10% of Irish adults have witnessed adult abuse in the past year and 81% have said that tougher laws would encourage them to take greater action to combat abuse – according to new research commissioned by Safeguarding Ireland. The Red C research found that 12% of those who witnessed abuse of a...
Just 2% of safeguarding concerns raised by those who experience alleged abuse
February 4, 2019: Just 2% of safeguarding concerns reported to the HSE are made directly by those who may have been abused, with almost all concerns reported by third parties. Safeguarding Ireland today encouraged more people to self-report, if they believe they are experiencing abuse. Safeguarding Ireland Chairperson Patricia Rickard Clarke said that almost all of the cases reported to the HSE are via staff and families – and she called on more adults to come forward and be empowered...
News 2018
Families and friends encouraged to safeguard vulnerable adults at Christmas time
December 20, 2018: Safeguarding Ireland has made a Christmas plea encouraging families and friends to take special care to safeguard vulnerable adults during the festive season. Chairperson Patricia Rickard Clarke said the spirit of Christmas and good adult safeguarding hold a similar message. “Good safeguarding is about reaching out and doing what we can to ensure people’s rights, choices and dignity are respected – particularly if they are vulnerable. Christmas is an opportunity to reflect...
Safeguarding Ireland supports FraudSMART campaign
November 12, 2018: Safeguarding Ireland was delighted to support the FraudSMART, National Fraud Awareness Week, campaign led by the Banking and Payments Federation Ireland, a Safeguarding Ireland member organisation. Lots of information is available on the website at www.fraudsmart.ie. There are information leaflets and videos there. The campaign can be followed on Twitter @fraudsmart and at facebook.com/FraudSMART. There are many different types of abuses of vulnerable adults in Ireland and there is a need for greater public understanding of...
Roundtable on Advocacy hosted by Safeguarding Ireland
17 October, 2018: Safeguarding Ireland hosted a Roundtable on Advocacy attended by up to 100 experts and practitioners from across the social care, health and community sector. The purpose was to have an informed debate about advocacy services in Ireland – their nature and extent and how they interface with the service delivery, policy-making and legislative structures. Legislative changes recently introduced, or in the process of being introduced, provide a context for independent advocacy provision. These...
PUBLIC AWARENESS CAMPAIGN: Almost half of Adults have not Planned Ahead to Safeguard their Future
October 14, 2018: Almost half of adults in Ireland have not planned ahead for their future leaving themselves more vulnerable to abuse – according to new research commissioned by Safeguarding Ireland. The Red C research found that less than half of Irish adults do not have any of the recommended ‘planning for the future’ measures in place. This was particularly the case for younger people (18-44), lower social classes and for women. The research found...
Allegations highlight need for safeguarding legislation
March 28, 2018: Reports of abuse of residents in a number centres for people with disability highlight the need for adult safeguarding legislation, the National Safeguarding Committee said today. The National Safeguarding Committee is a multi-agency forum aimed at promoting awareness of abuse, harm and exploitation of adults who may be vulnerable. Chairperson of the National Safeguarding Committee, Patricia Rickard-Clarke said: “Unfortunately, the abuse of vulnerable adults is widespread as the alleged mistreatment of residents...
Review of wardship for adults in Ireland
January 18, 2018: The National Safeguarding Committee has called for the urgent commencement of the Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act 2015, as a new report it publishes today finds the 19th century Wards of Court regime to be inadequate and archaic. The report, Review of current practice in the use of wardship for adults in Ireland, found there is substantial public confusion and lack of understanding around the Wards of Court system, and that it relies too much...
News 2017
‘Lid must be lifted’ on Financial Abuse of vulnerable adults
October 16, 2017: The lid must be lifted to root out financial abuse of vulnerable adults in Ireland – and safeguarding legislation put in place to tackle it. That’s according to the National Safeguarding Committee (NSC) which today kicked off a nationwide public awareness campaign to encourage greater vigilance among the State, Financial and Nursing Home sectors as well as among family members and carers. NSC Chairperson Patricia Rickard-Clarke said international research suggests that up...
Almost 8,000 cases of adult abuse concerns reported
June 12, 2017: Almost 8,000 cases of alleged abuse or neglect of adults were reported to the HSE in 2016 – the first-time annual figures for reported abuse of adults have been recorded. The figures record instances of alleged abuses or neglect of adults reported to the HSE and the main categories experienced were physical, psychological, financial abuse and neglect. Of the 7,884 concerns reported, the most common type among 18-64 years olds was physical...
Public believes abuse of vulnerable adults is widespread
11 April, 2017: Half of all Irish adults say they have experienced the abuse of vulnerable adults either through being abused themselves or seeing somebody close to them abused, according to the results of new research being published today. The research, commissioned from Red C by the National Safeguarding Committee, shows widespread public concern that many vulnerable adults are open to and are experiencing physical, emotional, psychological and financial abuse. Among the research findings are:...
What is the appropriate safeguarding response to adult self-neglect?
How do you navigate between the need to protect adults who may be at risk of harm, and respecting the right of each individual to live their life as they chose? People may be at risk of self-neglect for various reasons, including reduced decision-making capacity, mental health difficulties, or an inability to manage their daily lives because of frailty due to aging. Self-neglect can be either unintentional arising from an underlying health condition or personal...
Ever worried that someone you know is at risk of FINANCIAL ABUSE?
One-in-five adults aged 18+ in Ireland either were currently experiencing or have in the past experienced financial abuse according to research carried out by Safeguarding Ireland and Banking & Payments Federation Ireland (BPFI) in 2019. Financial abuse can include theft, fraud, exploitation; pressure in connection with wills, property, inheritance or financial transactions, and the misuse or misappropriation of property, possessions or benefits. Abusers will often manipulate relationships of trust and deliberately target people who face...
When is a crime not a crime? When the victim is not in an ‘intimate relationship’ with their abuser. In Ireland, coercive control became a criminal offence in 2019 with the enactment of The Domestic Violence Act 2018. For those working with victims of this insidious, debilitating, and manipulative form of abuse, this was a very welcome development. However, the definition of ‘a relevant person’ in Section 39(4) of the Act remains too limited. It...
Safeguarding Ireland's National Advisory Committee (NSAC) includes almost 40 organisations in Ireland from across the health, social, financial and justice sectors. This broad group meets quarterly to discuss and share how to progress better safeguarding and to reduce adult abuse in all forms. At each meeting one member presents on actions they are taking to further adult safeguarding. In July 2022 the Banking & Payments Federation Ireland (BPFI) made a presentation on the banking sector’s...
Upcoming Events
National Safeguarding Advisory Committee on banking